
Typical Schedule
Prayer, Attendance, Circle Time/Calendar

Center Play Time
Clean Up and Transition to Recess
Recess (Outside if possible)
Rest Time
Whole Group Activity
Dismissal from Back Door

Scholastic Book Clubs!
I will send home flyers and send in an order every month to Scholastic Book Clubs!
You can order through the flyer through school (with a check to scholastic) or order right online (with a credit card)
Our online code to order with our class is MMDFJ
Every book you order earns points for our classroom to buy fun learning games and other classroom books!

Outdoor Play
We will try to go outside every day that we can (in winter time too!)
Please make sure your child has all of the appropriate outdoor gear needed– and labeled with their name! The Mitten Monster (cousin to the Sock Monster) likes to play in our cubby area and we have been known to lose a glove or two during the winter time. It is helpful if gear is labeled so that when it reappears, we know which child it belongs to.

Special Needs/ Service Providers

I LOVE working with service providers! However, please be aware that although we do as much as possible to collaborate for the benefit of your child, due to regulations, your child’s therapist is not allowed to share an IEP with me– it must come from YOU! Please send me a copy of any IEP or 504 plans so that I too may work on your child’s goals! 
I will attend meetings at any district for your child. Please let me know when your child’s annual review meetings are scheduled for so that I can find a sub for the classroom. Your child and their needs are my priority and PASSION!